Compliance & Integrity
Compliance and integrity are firmly anchored in our strategy and culture at Audi. Our responsible actions and conduct are in line with laws and internal regulations, corporate values, and the Audi Code of Conduct.

In order to implement compliance and integrity at Audi effectively and for the long term, we use a Compliance Management System (CMS) that adheres to internationally recognized standards. It represents the principles, measures, processes, and structures that must be permanently established and continuously improved in order to comply with laws and counteract systematic misconduct.
Audi is also part of the Group-wide compliance and integrity program Together4Integrity (T4I) from Volkswagen. The aim of this initiative is to anchor integrity as an inherent part of our corporate culture and to thereby strengthen the trust of the employees, customers, business partners, and the public in the company.
“For all the goals we are pursuing at Audi, compliance and integrity form the basis of our collective action.”
― Gernot Döllner, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG

Our Code of Conduct
To give employees some orientation, Audi and the entire Volkswagen Group have defined a binding Code of Conduct. It defines the code of conduct that applies for our everyday work, independently of any hierarchy. This is supported by mandatory training sessions to create and promote a uniform awareness and value system throughout the company.
We also have guiding principles that apply for our business partners in the Volkswagen Group. The Code of Conduct for Business Partners summarizes the expectations that we place on our partners, in particular our suppliers and sales partners. Like the Code of Conduct for our employees, it includes respecting human rights, complying with occupational health and safety, environmental protection, and anti-corruption. We thereby set high standards not only internally, but also endeavor to uphold our values and principles along the entire value chain as well.
The Whistleblower System: the independent entity
Reports on specific indications of potential misconduct by Audi Group employees can be made to the Whistleblower System. Violations of the Code of Conduct, human rights, or other compliance violations can be reported confidentially in any language and at any time. The hints are checked for potential regulatory violations, which are then punished accordingly if validated.
Integrity: the maxim of responsible actions
Our culture thrives on us questioning our thoughts and actions time and again. What matters here is the right attitude: We are honest, take responsibility, and address misconduct openly.
In an effort to ensure that integrity is permanently anchored in our consciousness, we release communication on this topic regularly and offer training courses and workshops. Integrity is also a criterion that is used in the recruitment process and in the personnel development of managers and supervisors. To strengthen integrity, we have established a network of roughly 100 ambassadors. They act as multipliers and campaign for integrity in the divisions across all levels of the hierarchy.

Corporate values: the basis of our corporate culture
Integrity is one of the four corporate values of Audi, alongside appreciation, openness, and responsibility. We also share a foundation of values within the Volkswagen Group that is described in the seven Group Essentials. They are a promise to our customers, shareholders, business partners, and to ourselves. They describe what the Group stands for in all brands, companies, and countries.