Audi Report 2022

Welcome to the Audi Report 2022, the combined annual and sustainability report from AUDI AG. This report combines financial perspectives as well as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.

Audi Q8 e-tron on a mountain with green plantsAudi Q8 e-tron on a mountain with green plants


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Focal topics 2022

In the leading role

Joining forces for the transformation of Audi: seven Board Members in interview

Zitat Xavier Ros

"Electric drives are the best and most efficient solution."

Markus Duesmann, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AC

Dirk Große-Loheide

"Together with our partner companies, we want to increase sustainability in our supply chain."

Dirk Große-Loheide, Member of the Board of Management of AUDI AG for Procurement

Icon Financial

Financial highlights

Strong brands, strong performance: an overview of the key per-formance indicators of the Audi Group, a review of the business year and voluntary disclosures in accordance with the EU Taxon-omy Regulation.

Animation Recycling

Back to a new life

Does the circular economy in the automotive industry work in practice as well as in theory? Audi is attempting to find this out and is testing how to close as many material cycles on balance as possible in the MaterialLoop project involving 100 used vehicles.

We want to preserve the value of products and materials for as long as possible.

Dennis Christian Meinen, Strategy Sustainability/Circular Economy, AUDI AG

Interior of an Audi

It’s the inner values that count

The interior is now changing more dramatically than it has in the last 100 years – thanks to digitalization and the use of sustainable materials. A look at the past, present and future reveals which aspects are important.

Animation of supply chain

Respecting human rights – protecting the environment

The Audi supply chains are widely branched. The company works with more than 14,000 suppliers in over 60 countries. This comes with a major responsibility, which reaches far beyond Audi’s own factory gates. Intelligent management of the supply chain offers a tremendous opportunity in this respect because it plays a key role on the path toward a more sustainable company: a visit to Audi Procurement.

Young employee working on electric mobility

Powering transformation from within

Audi is systematically pressing ahead with the switch to electric mobility and meeting the challenges of transformation head on with reliably flexible structures and with adherence to its culture and its values.

Financial figures and facts



billion EUR

an increase of 16.4%

Operating return on sales



With a record profit of EUR 7.6 billion

Net cash flow


billion EUR

Animation of experts of electric mobility

Successfully charged

Audi is accelerating its transformation to electric mobility with the new Audi Q8 e-tron and the development of a premium charging infrastructure. Five experts recount a success story with a steep learning curve.

Audi Q8 e-tron:Power consumption (combined) in kWh/100 km: 25.3–20.1 CO₂ emissions (combined) in g/km: 0 CO₂ emission class: A

We want to preserve the value of products and materials for as long as possible.

Dennis Christian Meinen, Strategy Sustainability/Circular Economy, AUDI AG

Ethical leadership – corporate culture and governance hand in hand

Anna Ehret

Animation environmental program

Less is more

Even in challenging times, Audi remains committed to achieving net carbon-neutral production at all of its own sites by 2025. The Mission:Zero environmental program is smoothing the way to increasing sustainability in production and logistics.

Deliveries in 2022




Progressive brand group**

Fully electric



Progressive brand group**

High-performance models



Audi Sport

Further topics from the Audi Report 2022

Your feedback on the Audi Report 2022

Eine lächelnde Frau mit pinkem Oberteil und Brille in einem Gespräch mit einem jungen Mann

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The advancement of its products and services has a very high priority for AUDI AG. This also applies to the Audi Report. The button below will take you to a short survey. We look forward to receiving your feedback!