For the Team Spirit initiative alone, through which Audi employees can apply for donations to institutions, 120,000 euros in donations went to a total of 45 associations and social organizations in the regions around Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm. These paid for a trip for a children’s home, rickshaws for an organization for less able people and age-appropriate facilities for a café run by a multigenerational association.
We, not I: How Audi lives CSR
A good partner worldwide: CSR in practice with more than 200 initiatives
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For Audi, being a good neighbor worldwide is more than just lip service. In 2022, the company supported around 200 nonprofit organizations across Germany – with donations and helping hands, from an initiative for equal opportunities, to emergency aid for refugees from Ukraine.
Old computers for young people – this is the idea behind “Hey Alter!” Under this motto, local private and corporate initiatives collect used laptops, refurbish them and pass them on to students who don’t have their own devices. Launched in Braunschweig in 2020, “Hey Alter!” has already distributed more than 12,000 computers nationwide. “I just got my new computer, and starting it up made me so happy,” wrote Marlin on “Thank you so much! I now have my own computer and don’t have to share with my sister anymore,” said Jamie. Audi brought the initiative to Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm and implemented it with local partner organizations. Since 2021, the company has donated around 1,000 laptops. “With ‘Hey Alter!’, we’re happy to support an idea that improves the educational opportunities of young people in our region and brings new life to devices in the long term,” said Frank Loydl, Audi’s Chief Information Officer (CIO).
“We live responsibility”
"Hey, Alter!" is just one of many social projects
“Hey Alter!” is just one of the many social and charitable projects that Audi supports. "We live responsibility” – under this motto, the company acts as a good neighbor at its production locations all over the world. “Everyone at Audi is pulling together for a good cause,” said Board Member for Human Resources Xavier Ros. “We’re just as happy to provide support with donations of money and goods as we are to promote our employees’ voluntary involvement. In 2022, Audi sponsored around 200 institutions in Germany.”.
Team spirit campaign

CSR in the spirit of solidarity
Audi supported regional aid organizations as well, such as the German and Bavarian Red Cross, Caritas and Tafel, helping them transport relief supplies, build emergency shelters and provide first aid. Numerous Audi employees have been involved privately too, lending a hand quickly and unbureaucratically.
Audi Summer Concerts: The integrative power of art and culture
With the 2022 Audi Summer Concerts, the company set an example of solidarity and shined a light on the integrative power of art and culture under the motto “Future visions”. All ticket proceeds went towards humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Among other places, the donated money went to musical sponsorships for the Simon Mayr Singing and Music School (Simon-Mayr-Sing- und Musikschule) in Ingolstadt for Ukrainian refugee children. This project was only possible thanks to Audi’s donation. Another donation went to the Berliner Philharmoniker’s Karajan Academy, whose training program was able to sponsor a particularly talented young musician who fled Ukraine.