
Non-liability Clause
AUDI AG takes great care in compiling the contents of these internet pages and makes sure that they are updated on a regular basis. They are nevertheless only meant to provide non-binding general information and cannot replace detailed individual advice to help the prospective buyer make his decision. The technical features and equipment of the vehicles described are only examples. Such features and equipments can vary especially depending on the country where they are sold. They are subject to alterations at any time. You will get binding up-to-date specifications on the features, equipments or characteristics of our vehicles exclusively from your authorized dealer or importer. AUDI AG does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up-to-date, accurate and complete, or that they can be accessed without disturbance at any time.When we refer to web pages of third parties (links), AUDI AG does not take any responsibility for the contents of the linked pages. In activating the reference, you leave the information service of AUDI AG. Diverging regulations can therefore be applicable to the services of third parties, in particular with regard to data protection. AUDI AG further exempts itself from all liability for related services – in particular for the downloading of files provided by AUDI AG on the web pages of AUDI AG – in the event of slight neglect of duty, unless fundamental contractual obligations such as life, health or body are concerned, or claims based on the Product Liability Act are affected. The same applies to neglect of duty on the part of our vicarious agents.
Note for the career pages
The male form is only used throughout the Audi career website in describing the programmes we have offer so that that texts are easier to read. It goes without saying that all of the programmes are open to both sexes.
All texts, pictures and other works published on the internet page are subject to the copyright of AUDI AG, Ingolstadt, if not otherwise indicated. Any duplication, distribution, storage, communication, broadcast and reproduction or transmission of the contents without written approval from AUDI AG is prohibited.TDI, quattro, Spaceframe, ASF, as well as the model names are registered trademarks of AUDI AG.
Privacy Policy
Information on Data Protection and our Privacy Policy. Code of Practice Concerning the Collection, Processing, Transmission and Use of Data
Rights of data subjects
Are you interested in your rights with respect to the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)? You can find information on how AUDI AG implements your rights, here. If you have a specific request regarding the EU GDPR, please contact us. We kindly ask for your understanding that the current situation may lead to longer processing times.
The prices quoted are recommended retail prices of the manufacturer, plus transfer and approval costs or assembly and material costs.
Social Media Netiquette
Our "Vorsprung durch Technik" starts together with our fans. For this reason we welcome you to our Social Media web pages and we are looking forward to inspiration and dialogue. In order to keep up a polite level of communication, we would kindly ask you to observe and follow our rules of netiquette.
Tell us your stories and upload photos or videos. We welcome a lively exchange with and among each other - however, we would request that you stay fair and respectful to each other. For this reason we reserve the right to monitor or delete entries of promotion, inappropriate, offensive and/or insulting comments along with irresponsible dealings with Audi products or entries which have no reference to our web page.
Please make sure that you do not write unauthorized, improper or unlawful entries. AUDI AG is not responsible or liable for any contents entered by users.
Our pages are open to the public and are visible for every user. Please make sure that you restrain from entering personal data such as telephone number, bank details, license plate number or chassis number on the web page. Our aim is to protect your privacy; therefore we reserve our right to delete such entries should any of the above data be found.
Dispute resolution
AUDI AG does not commit to nor is it obliged to participate in the alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes in front of a consumer dispute resolution entity.