Audi’s cultural commitment: Audi ArtExperience

Audi ArtExperience: The four rings’ cultural commitment

An orchestra on a colourfully lit open-air stage under a glass dome. The audience stands in front of it.

Audi has been committed to culture for more than 60 years. The company’s orchestras and sponsorships for visual arts, theater and film, as well as its major events, concerts and festivals, under the joint umbrella of the Audi ArtExperience, prove that culture is enthusiastically experienced at Audi – and at an internationally recognized level. This page showcases a selection from the varied activities.

Sponsoring der Salzburger Festspiele

Sponsored by Audi: The Salzburg Festival

Audi has been the main sponsor of the most important music and theater festival in the world since 1995 – and the partnership was recently extended until 2027. A special component of this cooperation remains the guest performance of the Salzburg Festival in Ingolstadt, which has been held during the Audi Summer Concerts since 1994. In 2023, the Los Angeles Master Chorale made a guest appearance there under the direction of Peter Sellars.

World-class ensemble: Audi Young Persons‘ Choral Academy

The performances of the approximately 70 outstanding young singers are celebrated in concert halls around the world – most recently in New York’s legendary Carnegie Hall.

The nucleus of the Audi ArtExperience: The Audi Philharmonic Wind Orchestra

It started with a spontaneously established company orchestra in 1962. It became the Audi Philharmonic Wind Orchestra. Its performances are a poster child for the cultural life of the region.

Audi Sommerkonzerte

Highlight: The Audi Summer Concerts

Four weeks dedicated to music: The Audi Summer Concerts are the highlight of the event calendar at Audi. Guests from all over the world can experience a program that sets standards in terms of diversity, innovative spirit and experimental formats. International stars perform there, as do up-and-coming young artists. The highlight is the Klassik Open Air concerts in Klenzepark.

Every year at the headquarters: the Audi Christmas concert

The traditional Audi Christmas Concert is held every year during Advent at the Audi Forum in Ingolstadt. Alternating soloists and Audi’s own ensembles perform together with the Georgian Chamber Orchestra during this moving event.

Unique: The Museum of Concrete Art and Design in Ingolstadt

What is concrete art? No other museum in Germany puts it on display as extensively as this one. Its focus is on the former art collection of Eugen Gomringer, the core of the museum’s collection, which opened 30 years ago. The foundation for Concrete Art and Design in Ingolstadt, of which Audi is a founding member and sponsor, is the largest initiative for the promotion of concrete art in Germany.