

Seite besuchen

Icon Library  v4.2.0



Added new icons

- 3d

- air-suspension

- doors-closed

- doors-open-all

- light-technology

- photo-none

- zero-plastic



Renamed icons

- “door-open” is now “doors-open-front”


Visually changed icons

All circled icons are now centered:

- add-circle, help-circle, info-circle, paragraph-circle, remove-circle, select-circle


Sie finden die neueste Version (4.2.0) zum Herunterladen, auf GitHub und für Figma.

Die aktualisierte Dokumentation zur Verwendung dieser folgt in Kürze.

Seite besuchen

Icon Library  v4.1.0



Added new icons

- air-filter-inside

- battery-12v

- car-insurance

- delivery

- extended-warranty

- keyboard

- package

- power-solar

- power-water

- power-wind

- raw-materials

- service-package

- shopping-basket-selected

- special-circumstances

- stock-market



Categorical changes

- changed icon component variant order


Visually changed icons

- brake-fluid

- dashboard

- facebook

- grab

- list

- lock

- lock-unlock

- off-canvas


Sie finden die neueste Version (4.1.0) zum Herunterladen, auf GitHub und für Figma.

Die aktualisierte Dokumentation zur Verwendung dieser folgt in Kürze.

Seite besuchen

Icon Library  v4.0.0

Mit dem letzten Update der Library wurden neue Icon-Varianten (active state, XS-Größe) hinzugefügt.
Sie finden die neueste Version (4.0.0) zum Herunterladen, auf GitHub und für Figma.

Die aktualisierte Dokumentation zur Verwendung dieser folgt in Kürze.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v3.3




- Introduce selectable tag
- Add optional icons to readonly state


Latest releases of the React components can be found in the Audi React Library.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v3.1




- Adding position label left

Offer Tag

- Introducing component

Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.9.1




- Introducing Product Tile

Product Tile

- Introducing component




- Fixing height of forms elements


- Deleting cancel-x on alert variant

- Fixing cancel-x styling in themes


- Progress state can be set manually of the train wrapper via auto layout of the progress bar


- Decreasing content padding


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.7.1




- Introducing component  




- Fixing variants


- Fixing order of elements


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.


Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library  v3.18.0



Added New Icons

- sync-off

- eco-friendly

- rotate-device

- special-offer

- tire-change

- damper



Changed Icons

- connect-key

- changed visual appearance of „favorite“ icon to a heart shaped symbol

- changed naming of the star-icons to „rating“ (formerly named „favorite“)



Removed Icons


Seite besuchen

Icon Library  v3.18.0



Added New Icons

- sync-off

- eco-friendly

- rotate-device

- special-offer

- tire

- damper



Changed Icons

- connect-key

- changed visual appearance of „favorite“ icon to a heart shaped symbol

- changed naming of the star-icons to „rating“ (formerly named „favorite“)



Removed Icons


Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.6




- Badge configuration adjustments

- Badge prop naming adjustments

- Badge gets optional label

- Alert badge is introduced


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.5




- Set up componenet



- Set up componenet


Shader Token

- Introducting shader token
- Implementing token in card and popover component


- Elevated state for icon buttons

Die neuesten Versionen der React-Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.4




- Adding icon button

- Adding mobile button group view


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.17.0



Added New Icons

- maintenance

- diagnostics

- privacy-mode

- air-filter

- brake-fluid

- drive-belt

- first-aid

- spark-plug

- split

- tire-sealant

- tire-battery

- favorite-filled-50

- favorite-filled




Changed Icons

- mobilephone

Seite besuchen

Icon Sketch Library v3.17.0



Added New Icons

- maintenance

- diagnostics

- privacy-mode

- air-filter

- brake-fluid

- drive-belt

- first-aid

- spark-plug

- split

- tire-sealant

- tire-battery

- favorite-filled-50

- favorite-filled




Changed Icons

- mobilephone

Seite besuchen

Icon Library v3.17.0



Added New Icons

- maintenance

- diagnostics

- privacy-mode

- air-filter

- brake-fluid

- drive-belt

- first-aid

- spark-plug

- split

- tire-sealant

- tire-battery

- favorite-filled-50

- favorite-filled




Changed Icons

- mobilephone

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.3




- Adding shadow token for modals e.g.




- Fixing auto layout



- Adding inline Button


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Icon Sketch Library v3.16.0



Added New Icons

- copy

- display

- eco-cycle

- energy-green

- factory

- flashlight

- handshake

- laptop

- microphone-on

- microphone-off

- network

- smartwatch

- smiley-happy

- smiley-neutral

- smiley-unhappy

- training

- video-call



Changed Category Naming

- simplified icon naming path



Removed Icons

- arrow-narrow-down

- arrow-narrow-up

- oculus

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.16.0



Added New Icons

- copy

- display

- eco-cycle

- energy-green

- factory

- flashlight

- handshake

- laptop

- microphone-on

- microphone-off

- network

- smartwatch

- smiley-happy

- smiley-neutral

- smiley-unhappy

- training

- video-call



Removed Icons

- arrow-narrow-down

- arrow-narrow-up

- oculus

Seite besuchen

Icon Library v3.16.0



Added New Icons

- copy

- display

- eco-cycle

- energy-green

- factory

- flashlight

- handshake

- laptop

- microphone-on

- microphone-off

- network

- smartwatch

- smiley-happy

- smiley-neutral

- smiley-unhappy

- training

- video-call



Removed Icons

- arrow-narrow-down

- arrow-narrow-up

- oculus

Seite besuchen


Die Software ermöglichst nun wieder die Verwendung des TVC-Endings für alle Formate.

Seite besuchen

Icon Library v3.15.0



Added New Icons

- battery

- city

- collapsed-tabs

- compass

- country

- logout

- motorway

- options

- order-reverse

- over-the-air-car

- plan-route

- restaurant

- restroom

- send

- signal

- slider

- thumbs-down

- thumbs-up




Visually changed Icons

- catalogue

- co2-emission

- feature-on-demand

- geofence

- gift

- idea

- line

- parking

- social-reader

- work

Fixed artwork-size

- nfc-inactive

- recommended-destination

- pre-heating




Removed Icon duplicates

- rss-feed (similar icon to "feed")

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.15.0



Added New Icons

- battery

- city

- collapsed-tabs

- compass

- country

- logout

- motorway

- options

- order-reverse

- over-the-air-car

- plan-route

- restaurant

- restroom

- send

- signal

- slider

- thumbs-down

- thumbs-up




Visually changed Icons

- business-customer

- catalogue

- co2-emission

- feature-on-demand

- geofence

- gift

- idea

- line

- parking

- poi

- poi-calendar

- social-reader

- work

Fixed artwork-size

- nfc-inactive

- recommended-destination

- pre-heating




Removed Icon duplicates

- rss-feed (similar icon to "feed")

Seite besuchen

Icon Sketch Library v3.15.0



Added New Icons

- battery

- city

- collapsed-tabs

- compass

- country

- logout

- motorway

- options

- order-reverse

- over-the-air-car

- plan-route

- restaurant

- restroom

- send

- signal

- slider

- thumbs-down

- thumbs-up




Visually changed Icons

- catalogue

- co2-emission

- feature-on-demand

- geofence

- gift

- idea

- line

- parking

- social-reader

- work

Fixed artwork-size

- nfc-inactive

- recommended-destination

- pre-heating




Removed Icon duplicates

- rss-feed (similar icon to "feed")

Seite besuchen

Auf den folgenden Seiten wurden visuelle und textliche Aktualisierungen vorgenommen:

  • UI Introduction
  • UX Paradigms
  • Functional Animation 
  • Transitions
  • Buttons
  • Card
  • Input Fields
  • Loader
  • Navigation
  • Notifications
  • Overlays
  • Pagination
  • Selection controls
  • Slider
  • Text Styles

Seite besuchen

Sketch Library v2.1




- Adding badges/hints as optional element



- Adding hints



- fixing color tokens and resizing



- fixing color tokens and resizing



Extended Selection

- Setting up component


Page indicator

- Setting up component


Content Card

- Setting up component


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.2




- Adding badges/hints as optional element



- Adding hints

- Fixing auto layout


Extended Selection

- Setting up component


Page indicator

- Setting up component


Content Card

- Setting up component


Styles and missing libraries

- Fixing library links



Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.1



Value with Unit

- Initial set-up



- Initial set-up




Figma Update 10/05/22

- Updating Component Properties



- Adding status properties



- Adding optional labels


Die neuesten Versionen der React-Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.14.1



Missing Icons

- caution

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.14.0



- Upload (as content icon)

- Refresh/Reload

- History

- Wallbox

- Map Layer

- Brush

- Send

- Over the Air

- Plug ccs1

- Plug chademo dc

- Plug ccs dc

- Plug type1 ac

- Plug type2 ac

- Plug schuko

- Plug cee3

- Plug cee5



Added Missing Icons

- Oculus

Seite besuchen

Icon Sketch Library v3.14.0



- Upload (as content icon)

- Refresh/Reload

- History

- Wallbox

- Map Layer

- Brush

- Send

- Over the Air

- Plug ccs1

- Plug chademo dc

- Plug ccs dc

- Plug type1 ac

- Plug type2 ac

- Plug schuko

- Plug cee3

- Plug cee5



Added Missing Icons

- Commute

- Poi-on-Map



Icon duplicates

- Removed icon duplicates:

connect-key (visual double), range/fuel-range (naming double, removed the „range“ one)

Seite besuchen

Icon Library v3.14.0



- Oculus

- Upload (as content icon)

- Refresh/Reload

- History

- Wallbox

- Map Layer

- Brush

- Send

- Over the Air

- Plug ccs1

- Plug chademo dc

- Plug ccs dc

- Plug type1 ac

- Plug type2 ac

- Plug schuko

- Plug cee3

- Plug cee5

Seite besuchen

Sketch Library v2.1



All components

- Overrides



- Optional labeling



- Signal states



- Optional hash marks




Value With Unit




- Smart layout multiple lines


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Es gibt nun einen Guide für Umsetzungen von Audi in den sozialen Medien.

Der Guide beinhalte folgende Kapitel:


  1. Einstieg
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram
  4. LinkedIn
  5. Twitter
  6. Youtube

Seite besuchen

Das aktuelle UI-Kit und die Icon Library, dass bisher für Sketch bereitgestellt wurde ist nun auch für Figma verfügbar.

Das Figma UI-Kit wird initial wie auch das aktuelle Sketch UI-Kit in der Version 2.0 bereitgestellt.

Die Icon Library entspricht der aktuellen Icon Library Version 3.13.

Seite besuchen

Sketch Library v2.0




- All icon symbol masters removed from UI Kit



- Web Starter Kit with oneLayer instead



Native Dropdown


- not developed states




- Labels



All components

- Update to new tokens

- Update to „Normal Wide“ Font

- Structure



- Removing the first level nesting in Icon library



- Fix auto layout


Color Styles

- Link of UI Kit to new UI styles library


Checkboxes / Radio Buttons

- Fix Auto layout



- Add content area to open state



- Update signal + charing colors + interaction value + ui.primary/secondary/tertiary


Forms & option controls (toggle, select, input field, input area)

- Fix new tokens



- Fix gaps



- Dark theme base text value + interaction values



- Spacings

- Missing x on Popover bottom light theme


- Adding dark theme for external-link icon



New separate icon library

- Reattached all icon instances in UI Kit to new file "Audi_Icons.sketch"



- Decision tokens



- Dark Theme




Date picker

- Desktop year/month select



- multiple list items



Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Erweiterung der POI-Icons mit den Badges zur Darstellung von Verfügbarkeiten von Ladesäulen.

Seite besuchen

Es gibt nun einen Guide für die Umsetzung von Touchpoints im dreidimensionalen Raum von Audi.

Der Guide beinhalte folgende Kapitel:


  1. Einstieg
  2. Form
  3. Atmosphäre
  4. Kommunikation
  5. Cases

Seite besuchen

Zur Verbesserung der User Experience wurde ein Guide zum Einsatz von Light und Dark Theme erarbeitet, der den visuellen Markenauftritt im digitalen Umfeld erweitert.

Seite besuchen

Die Audi Signal- und Ladefarben wurden für das Light und Dark Theme angepasst und erweitert.


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Sketch Library v1.6


- Charging states



- Added transparency so overlap is visible


Signal Colors

- Light theme



- Fixed a bug where the minimum height was set to 68px instead of 56px



- Fixed a bug where stretched buttons with an icon wouldn’t center content

- Removed top and bottom padding in text buttons



- Fixed Slider bug where “min” and “max” labels didn’t scale with input value

- Fixed Slider bug where fill didn’t scale properly with width changes





- eye

- eye crossed

- light crossed

- whatsapp

- system-whatsapp

- external-link


Signal Colors

- Dark theme





- Input and Label variants

- Small and large sizing options


Layout System

- Page Margins

- Layout guidelines + examples


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Ergänzung von einer Logo Variante

Folgende Variante wurden hinzugefügt:

  • Negative 1C (eps and pdf)

Seite besuchen

Aktualisierung der Audi Type Variable

  1. Reduzierung der Dateigröße
  2. Subsets für Latein, Griechisch und Kyrillisch ergänzt  

Seite besuchen

Neue Icons:

  • external-link


Die Audi Icon Bibliothek mit allen SVG Files und der Iconfont sind auch auf GitHub verfügbar.

Seite besuchen

Neue Icons:  

  • eye
  • eye-crossed
  • lights-crossed
  • whatsapp
  • system-whatsapp


Die Audi Icon Bibliothek mit allen SVG Files und der Iconfont sind auch auf GitHub verfügbar.


Seite besuchen

Sketch Library v1.5



- Light theme idle underline color changed from Grey 30 (#b3b3b3) to Grey 60 (#666666) to meet contrast requirements.



- Allowed for multiline entry on stretched buttons without an icon



- Fixed a bug where the list component wouldn’t allow a multiline entry






- Mobile and desktop view

- Single day selector

- Year selector


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Sketch Library v1.4.1 - includes edits from 1.2/1.3/1.4 releases







- Edge spacing changed to 1.5rem

- Font changed to Wide Normal for large size - *consistent with small size*

- Vertical height changed to match buttons

- Grey 50 changed to Grey 60 on "Default" state for accessibility

- Adjusted "Active" background color from Grey 10 to Grey 5 for light theme and Grey 80 to Grey 90 for dark theme.


Navigation Bar

- Font changed to Wide Normal for large size - consistent with small size

- Fixed minor spacing/positioning issues

- Adjusted sizing on “Scrollable Bar” to match tab heights

- Renamed to “Navigation Bar”



- Complete redesign



- Spacing adjustments

- Grey 50 changed to Grey 60 for accessibility

- Edited override settings for "Minimal" variant



- Complete redesign



- Adapted proper shadow specifications based on elevation system

- Added outline to light theme to further distinguish container from its shadow

- Changed background color from Grey 80 to Grey 70 in dark theme



- Resize icons updated to current version

- Spacing issue with forward and back arrows updated



- Adjusted the spacing between items in groups from S (12px) to L (24px)

- Fixed symbol responsivity



- Placed all non-center aligned carots to 12px from the edge to improve mobile usability

- Changed background color on dark theme from Grey 70 to Grey 80



- Changed Signal Red to Progressive Red

- Changed track width from fixed 1px to a dynamic width always equal to spinner



- Aligned with CI



- Flipped styling for light and dark modes

- Changed Grey 70 background to Black




- Two options variant





- Audi Sport and e-tron logos




Modal w/ icon


Navigation Bar

- Removed shadow from “Scrollable Bar” arrow separator





- Disabled states



- Discover card



- Bezier specifications for multiple platforms



- Scrollable Bar



- Monochrome variant and small size variant for both ”Continuous” and “Progress” spinners



- Additional colors and variants


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.5




- Set up component



- Set up component


Shader token

- Introducting shader token

- Implementing token in card and popover component



- Elevated state for icon buttons  


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.



Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.17.0



Added New Icons

- maintenance

- diagnostics

- privacy-mode

- air-filter

- brake-fluid

- drive-belt

- first-aid

- spark-plug

- split

- tire-sealant

- tire-battery

- favorite-filled-50

- favorite-filled




Changed Icons

- mobilephone

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.4




- Adding icon button

- Adding mobile button group view


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Icon Sketch Library v3.17.0



Added New Icons

- maintenance

- diagnostics

- privacy-mode

- air-filter

- brake-fluid

- drive-belt

- first-aid

- spark-plug

- split

- tire-sealant

- tire-battery

- favorite-filled-50

- favorite-filled




Changed Icons

- mobilephone

Seite besuchen

Icon Library v3.17.0



Added New Icons

- maintenance

- diagnostics

- privacy-mode

- air-filter

- brake-fluid

- drive-belt

- first-aid

- spark-plug

- split

- tire-sealant

- tire-battery

- favorite-filled-50

- favorite-filled




Changed Icons

- mobilephone

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.3




- Adding shadow token for modals e.g.



- Fixing auto layout



- Adding inline Button


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Icon Sketch Library v3.16.0



Added New Icons

- copy

- display

- eco-cycle

- energy-green

- factory

- flashlight

- handshake

- laptop

- microphone-on

- microphone-off

- network

- smartwatch

- smiley-happy

- smiley-neutral

- smiley-unhappy

- training

- video-call



Changed Category Naming

- simplified icon naming path



Removed Icons

- arrow-narrow-down

- arrow-narrow-up

- oculus

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.16.0



Added New Icons

- copy

- display

- eco-cycle

- energy-green

- factory

- flashlight

- handshake

- laptop

- microphone-on

- microphone-off

- network

- smartwatch

- smiley-happy

- smiley-neutral

- smiley-unhappy

- training

- video-call



Removed Icons

- arrow-narrow-down

- arrow-narrow-up

- oculus

Seite besuchen

Icon Library v3.16.0



Added New Icons

- copy

- display

- eco-cycle

- energy-green

- factory

- flashlight

- handshake

- laptop

- microphone-on

- microphone-off

- network

- smartwatch

- smiley-happy

- smiley-neutral

- smiley-unhappy

- training

- video-call



Removed Icons

- arrow-narrow-down

- arrow-narrow-up

- oculus

Seite besuchen


Die Software ermöglichst nun wieder die Verwendung des TVC-Endings für alle Formate.

Seite besuchen

Icon Library v3.15.0



Added New Icons

- battery

- city

- collapsed-tabs

- compass

- country

- logout

- motorway

- options

- order-reverse

- over-the-air-car

- plan-route

- restaurant

- restroom

- send

- signal

- slider

- thumbs-down

- thumbs-up




Visually changed Icons

- catalogue

- co2-emission

- feature-on-demand

- geofence

- gift

- idea

- line

- parking

- social-reader

- work

Fixed artwork-size

- nfc-inactive

- recommended-destination

- pre-heating




Removed Icon duplicates

- rss-feed (similar icon to "feed")

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.15.0



Added New Icons

- battery

- city

- collapsed-tabs

- compass

- country

- logout

- motorway

- options

- order-reverse

- over-the-air-car

- plan-route

- restaurant

- restroom

- send

- signal

- slider

- thumbs-down

- thumbs-up




Visually changed Icons

- business-customer

- catalogue

- co2-emission

- feature-on-demand

- geofence

- gift

- idea

- line

- parking

- poi

- poi-calendar

- social-reader

- work

Fixed artwork-size

- nfc-inactive

- recommended-destination

- pre-heating




Removed Icon duplicates

- rss-feed (similar icon to "feed")

Seite besuchen

Icon Sketch Library v3.15.0



Added New Icons

- battery

- city

- collapsed-tabs

- compass

- country

- logout

- motorway

- options

- order-reverse

- over-the-air-car

- plan-route

- restaurant

- restroom

- send

- signal

- slider

- thumbs-down

- thumbs-up




Visually changed Icons

- catalogue

- co2-emission

- feature-on-demand

- geofence

- gift

- idea

- line

- parking

- social-reader

- work

Fixed artwork-size

- nfc-inactive

- recommended-destination

- pre-heating




Removed Icon duplicates

- rss-feed (similar icon to "feed")

Seite besuchen

Auf den folgenden Seiten wurden visuelle und textliche Aktualisierungen vorgenommen:

  • UI Einstieg
  • UX Paradigmen
  • Functional Animation 
  • Transitions
  • Buttons
  • Card
  • Input Fields
  • Loader
  • Navigation
  • Notifications
  • Overlays
  • Pagination
  • Selection controls
  • Slider
  • Text Styles

Seite besuchen

Sketch Library v2.2




- Adding badges/hints as optional element



- Adding hints



- fixing color tokens and resizing



- fixing color tokens and resizing



Extended Selection

- Setting up component


Page indicator

- Setting up component


Content Card

- Setting up component


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.2




- Adding badges/hints as optional element



- Adding hints

- Fixing auto layout


Extended Selection

- Setting up component


Page indicator

- Setting up component


Content Card

- Setting up component


Styles and missing libraries

- Fixing library links



Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Figma Library v2.1



Value with Unit

- Initial set-up



- Initial set-up




Figma Update 10/05/22

- Updating Component Properties



- Adding status properties



- Adding optional labels


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.14.1



Missing Icons

- caution

Seite besuchen

Icon Figma Library v3.14.0



- Upload (as content icon)

- Refresh/Reload

- History

- Wallbox

- Map Layer

- Brush

- Send

- Over the Air

- Plug ccs1

- Plug chademo dc

- Plug ccs dc

- Plug type1 ac

- Plug type2 ac

- Plug schuko

- Plug cee3

- Plug cee5



Added Missing Icons

- Oculus

Seite besuchen

Icon Sketch Library v3.14.0



- Upload (as content icon)

- Refresh/Reload

- History

- Wallbox

- Map Layer

- Brush

- Send

- Over the Air

- Plug ccs1

- Plug chademo dc

- Plug ccs dc

- Plug type1 ac

- Plug type2 ac

- Plug schuko

- Plug cee3

- Plug cee5



Added Missing Icons

- Commute

- Poi-on-Map



Icon duplicates

- Removed icon duplicates:

connect-key (visual double), range/fuel-range (naming double, removed the „range“ one)

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Icon Library v3.14.0



- Oculus

- Upload (as content icon)

- Refresh/Reload

- History

- Wallbox

- Map Layer

- Brush

- Send

- Over the Air

- Plug ccs1

- Plug chademo dc

- Plug ccs dc

- Plug type1 ac

- Plug type2 ac

- Plug schuko

- Plug cee3

- Plug cee5

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Sketch Library v2.1



All components

- Overrides



- Optional labeling



- Signal states



- Optional hash marks




Value With Unit




- Smart layout multiple lines


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

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Das aktuelle UI-Kit und die Icon Library, dass bisher für Sketch bereitgestellt wurde ist nun auch für Figma verfügbar.

Das Figma UI-Kit wird initial wie auch das aktuelle Sketch UI-Kit in der Version 2.0 bereitgestellt.

Die Icon Library entspricht der aktuellen Icon Library Version 3.13.

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Es gibt nun einen Guide für Umsetzungen von Audi in den sozialen Medien.

Der Guide beinhalte folgende Kapitel:

  1. Einstieg
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram
  4. LinkedIn
  5. Twitter
  6. Youtube

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Sketch Library v2.0




- All icon symbol masters removed from UI Kit



- Web Starter Kit with oneLayer instead



Native Dropdown


- not developed states




- Labels



All components

- Update to new tokens

- Update to „Normal Wide“ Font

- Structure



- Removing the first level nesting in Icon library



- Fix auto layout


Color Styles

- Link of UI Kit to new UI styles library


Checkboxes / Radio Buttons

- Fix Auto layout



- Add content area to open state



- Update signal + charing colors + interaction value + ui.primary/secondary/tertiary


Forms & option controls (toggle, select, input field, input area)

- Fix new tokens



- Fix gaps



- Dark theme base text value + interaction values



- Spacings

- Missing x on Popover bottom light theme


- Adding dark theme for external-link icon



New separate icon library

- Reattached all icon instances in UI Kit to new file "Audi_Icons.sketch"



- Decision tokens



- Dark Theme




Date picker

- Desktop year/month select



- multiple list items



Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

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Erweiterung der POI-Icons mit den Badges zur Darstellung von Verfügbarkeiten von Ladesäulen.

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Es gibt nun einen Guide für die Umsetzung von Touchpoints im dreidimensionalen Raum von Audi.

Der Guide beinhalte folgende Kapitel:

  1. Einstieg
  2. Form
  3. Atmosphäre
  4. Kommunikation
  5. Cases

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Zur Verbesserung der User Experience wurde ein Guide zum Einsatz von Light und Dark Theme erarbeitet, der den visuellen Markenauftritt im digitalen Umfeld erweitert.

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Die Audi Signal- und Ladefarben wurden für das Light und Dark Theme angepasst und erweitert.

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Sketch Library v1.6


- Charging states



- Added transparency so overlap is visible


Signal Colors

- Light theme



- Fixed a bug where the minimum height was set to 68px instead of 56px



- Fixed a bug where stretched buttons with an icon wouldn’t center content

- Removed top and bottom padding in text buttons



- Fixed Slider bug where “min” and “max” labels didn’t scale with input value

- Fixed Slider bug where fill didn’t scale properly with width changes





- eye

- eye crossed

- light crossed

- whatsapp

- system-whatsapp

- external-link


Signal Colors

- Dark theme





- Input and Label variants

- Small and large sizing options


Layout System

- Page Margins

- Layout guidelines + examples


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

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Ergänzung von einer Logovariante

Die folgende Variante wurden hinzugefügt:

  • Negativ 1C (eps and pdf)

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Aktualisierung der Audi Type Variable

  1. Reduzierung der Dateigröße
  2. Subsets für Latein, Griechisch und Kyrillisch ergänzt

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Neue Icons:

  • external-link


The Audi Icon Library with all SVG files and the icon font are also available on GitHub.

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Neue Icons:

  • eye
  • eye-crossed
  • lights-crossed
  • whatsapp
  • system-whatsapp


Die Audi Icon Bibliothek mit allen SVG Files und der Iconfont sind auch auf GitHub verfügbar.

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Sketch Library v1.5



- Light theme idle underline color changed from Grey 30 (#b3b3b3) to Grey 60 (#666666) to meet contrast requirements.



- Allowed for multiline entry on stretched buttons without an icon



- Fixed a bug where the list component wouldn’t allow a multiline entry






- Mobile and desktop view

- Single day selector

- Year selector


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

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Sketch Library v1.4.1 - includes edits from 1.2/1.3/1.4 releases







- Edge spacing changed to 1.5rem

- Font changed to Wide Normal for large size - *consistent with small size*

- Vertical height changed to match buttons

- Grey 50 changed to Grey 60 on "Default" state for accessibility

- Adjusted "Active" background color from Grey 10 to Grey 5 for light theme and Grey 80 to Grey 90 for dark theme.


Navigation Bar

- Font changed to Wide Normal for large size - consistent with small size

- Fixed minor spacing/positioning issues

- Adjusted sizing on “Scrollable Bar” to match tab heights

- Renamed to “Navigation Bar”



- Complete redesign



- Spacing adjustments

- Grey 50 changed to Grey 60 for accessibility

- Edited override settings for "Minimal" variant



- Complete redesign



- Adapted proper shadow specifications based on elevation system

- Added outline to light theme to further distinguish container from its shadow

- Changed background color from Grey 80 to Grey 70 in dark theme



- Resize icons updated to current version

- Spacing issue with forward and back arrows updated



- Adjusted the spacing between items in groups from S (12px) to L (24px)

- Fixed symbol responsivity



- Placed all non-center aligned carots to 12px from the edge to improve mobile usability

- Changed background color on dark theme from Grey 70 to Grey 80



- Changed Signal Red to Progressive Red

- Changed track width from fixed 1px to a dynamic width always equal to spinner



- Aligned with CI



- Flipped styling for light and dark modes

- Changed Grey 70 background to Black




- Two options variant





- Audi Sport and e-tron logos




Modal w/ icon


Navigation Bar

- Removed shadow from “Scrollable Bar” arrow separator





- Disabled states



- Discover card



- Bezier specifications for multiple platforms



- Scrollable Bar



- Monochrome variant and small size variant for both ”Continuous” and “Progress” spinners



- Additional colors and variants


Die letzten Releases der React Komponenten sind in der Audi React Library zu finden.

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