»Every Audi brand space is generous and open. A clear, airy environment that is both clean and inviting creates an optimal area where product showcases and key communication messages take centre stage.«

The Audi brand architecture is characterised by  a few, clearly defined components. These basic elements, which are used in all projects, must then be complemented by incorporating the environment around them and adding appropriate content.

Basic Elements


Flat surfaces

The basic form comprises primary geometric shapes and is made up of flat and pure surface areas. This creates a spacious feeling, which conveys calm and precision. The room height is utilised to the maximum. As far as possible, small-scale elements should be avoided. 


Clear lines

Clear lines and cubic shapes are uniformly covered with material and create a timeless appearance. Seams and gaps in materials are avoided. The space should have a consistent and calming effect.



Flat spaces

The flat surfaces can be contrasted with a circular cutout on the ceiling or floor. These cutouts are used as highlighting elements and must not overpower the basic form. Round elements do not appear on the walls.


Special features on location: a rounded space

In the case of rounded construction features, the curvature of a wall is counterbalanced with flat communication elements. These serve to guide the eye and in so doing put emphasis on particular highlights (e.g. LED surfaces).
The use of a circular highlight element to stage a vehicle is, however, not excluded.

Zoning Vehicles or Areas


To highlight products, frames are placed on the ceiling and sized correspondingly to the area below.


In addition to individual vehicles, it is also possible to highlight entire product groups. In this case, a frame is always used. When using a frame, the vehicle is not highlighted via a circular floor element. Lounges, however, may be accented with such a floor area highlight.


If the spatial context allows, a vehicle can be highlighted using a circular ceiling cutout as an alternative to the frame.

Dos and Don´ts

A good brand fit is created by a few, clear elements, which are covered in entirety with a material, colour, a graphic or LEDs.
Too many different shapes, materials and lines are avoided to prevent an overly busy spatial effect.

Materials and Colours

»Colours, surfaces, materials and furniture are combined harmoniously to create an inviting atmosphere. Thoughtful compositions bring together room structure and design.«

The brand space adopts a calm, basic colour scheme. With a few strong accents via materials, colours, communication tools, lighting or furniture, one or more Brand Agenda Topics can be highlighted. Sustainable construction and material selection should be considered.


RGB: 255/255/255
HEX: #ffffff
CMYK: 0/0/0/0

RAL: 9010
NCS: S 0500-N
Avery 900: 900

3M Scotchcal: SC 50-10 White
(vehicle lettering)


RGB: 0/0/0
HEX: #000000
CMYK: 40/0/0/100
Pantone Black

RAL: 9005
NCS: S 9000-N
Avery 900: 901

3M Scotchcal: SC 50-12 Black
(vehicle lettering)

Progressive Red

RGB: 245/5/55
HEX: #f50537
CMYK: 0/100/90/00
Pantone 032C

RAL: 3028
NCS: S 0580-Y90R
Avery 900: 906

3M Scotchcal: SC 50-475
(vehicle lettering)

Corporate Identity Colour Palette

In the third dimension, the addition of a grey tone supplements Audi’s CI colours. Black, white and grey thus comprise the colours used in the brand space. The colour –progressive  red – is used to highlight the ‘Performance’ Brand Agenda Topic. It otherwise plays a subordinate role in a branded space – where it is only used as an accent or a graphic element. If possible, colour should only be introduced into a space via materials. The grey tone is featured predominantly through the use of concrete.

Materials for Spatial Branding

Detailed descriptions are available for download at the end of the chapter.

Brand Space


The brand space appears calm, spacious and authentic. Materials are used confidently with style and engender the premium nature of the brand.


Where possible, we use tactile, visibly high-end finishes.

Detailed descriptions of the Audi materials are available for download at the end of the chapter.


Furniture and lighting align to our pure corporate design.

Brand Agenda Topics

The Audi brand space can be staged by implementing one or more Brand Agenda Topics and the corresponding form and content. Each topic therefore has a specific colour and material palette that’s available.
The Brand Agenda Topics are communicated using a specific narrative. For this reason, the selection of materials, furniture, lighting and graphics is predefined.
Example above: the ‘Design’ Brand Agenda Topic is defined by using specialised communication, materials, lighting and furniture.

Extended Colour Palette


Detailed descriptions are available for download at the end of the chapter.
Assets - Material
Details information about the Audi materials.
1.6 MB

Here, ‘Design’ is the focus, and the emphasis is on authentic materials to highlight this. The materials used have a structure that create a haptic experience.


Materials, lighting and furniture match the high standards of design.


Sustainability’ predetermines the use of materials that have been produced responsibly – conserving resources and being as CO²-neutral as possible (e.g. recycled materials.)


We design bright, friendly and inviting spaces, with a strong focus on communicative content.


When choosing fabrics, lighting and furniture, make sure they are made from sustainable materials.


‘Digitalisation’ demands clear, reduced and enclosed spaces where digital exhibits can be showcased to act as highlights, e.g. large-scale LEDs, smart materials or interactive exhibits.


In the case of interactive exhibits, the focus is on haptic and sculptural implementation. The goal is to ensure intuitive handling and an experience that activates as many senses as possible.


Materials, lighting and furniture have a reduced and technical appearance.


In ‘Performance’, muted materials are used with accents of red textured sheet metal – beveled or perforated.


Materials, lighting and furniture have a sporty elegant look.



For temporary structures, the materials are installed as seamlessly as possible.



For transitions in material usage a stainless-steel pilaster strip of 3 mm should be used as a separator, e.g. on the floor when changing from a concrete tile to parquet.

Dos und Don´ts

Execution of surface joints. There are only cross joins or, for structural elements, horizontal joints that are continuous and do not stop.
If possible, staggered joints are not used.
With built corners, care should be taken to run the materials around the corner. In so doing, monolithic and large-surface bodies are created. For mitered edges, a projecting metal pilaster strip is used to obtain a clear edge.
Abrupt joints with visible edges should be avoided. Simple mitered edges are very sensitive and usually do not run in a straight line. A metal pilaster strip should be used, as described on the left.

Zoning & Visual Axes

»Clear, precise and easy to follow – zoning and visual axes form the basis for how intuitively a space can be interpreted and are therefore an essential design element.«

Zoning is deliberately used to create clear and uncluttered areas, while permitting sneak glances across to the staging of the individual Brand Agenda Topics. Symmetry is always avoided.


When choosing a site, it is important to select a compact, rectangular area that is free from obstructions (infrastructure or columns). Areas with limited headroom should be avoided. The goal is to generate a generous sense of space.


If possible, our site should be located where the largest flow of visitors is expected. An analysis of the most important main axes provides information regarding a potentially prominent and ideal location. When choosing a site, it is also necessary to decide whether proximity to other strategically relevant exhibitors is an advantage or not. Preferably, the exhibition area should have at least three visible sides.


The rings are positioned so that they can be seen from a distance. To this end, they should be placed as high up as possible in a visible area and not be obscured by other structures.

For details see chapter Brand in Space > Communication > Use of Rings.


When displaying vehicles, care must be taken to ensure clear positioning and zoning. The vehicles are arranged in an orderly fashion without creating the impression of their being on a parking lot.
Depending on the size, several Brand Agenda Topics can be staged. These include individual vehicle segments, themed groups or highlights. The fronts of the vehicles should face towards the visitor flow. 


For all events, it is important to ensure exciting perspectives that lead the visitors across the entire exhibition space and encourage them to linger. This is achieved with the help of visual axes that do not immediately reveal everything and so guide the visitor to explore the exhibition more deeply.


Deliberately placed communication areas – in the line of sight – help to zone the booth and convey content. They attract visitors' attention and in so doing gradually reveal the entire exhibition area without giving everything away.

The reception offers our guests orientation and a warm welcome.

Regardless of the chosen design, the reception is always the first and central point of contact for our guests. He/she is personally welcomed here, accredited and provided with relevant information.
The Audi brand logo provides additional orientation and must be positioned in such a way that it is clearly recognisable to visitors from various main approach directions. More details in Brand in Space Communication.

In addition to the four rings, an event- or location-specific message, the name of the event or a "Welcome" in the respective national language can be assigned to the rings. The general guidelines apply in Basics  Rings, Typography.

Media surfaces can communicate additional content appropriate to the event or location and support the welcoming gesture.



Reception area with counter and media space

A counter can serve as a classic reception area to welcome our guests. The brand logo on the back wall is complemented by the name of the event. Graphics and LEDs with moving images shorten the waiting time and liven up the area.


Graphics as a welcome gesture

When using large graphics, both the brand logo and a supplementary message can be integrated into an image motif. The specified guidelines apply in Brand in space Communication and general guidelines Basics  Rings, Typography.


Alternative reception with an upright table

In order to create an informal yet concise and clear reception situation, an upright table with seating can also be used instead of a classic counter. An overlay carpet helps to define the location of the reception area. The trademark, a "Welcome" or even the event name, provide orientation and clearly define the reception as the central point of contact.

Dos and Don´ts

When zoning spaces, the vehicle is always the main focus. Once it is positioned at least two meters from the nearest wall, the Brand Agenda Topics and content can be set up. Care must be taken to ensure a reduced and clear showcase that does not overload the space around the vehicle with content.
In order to ensure generous staging, a sufficiently large distance from objects, walls and other vehicles must be maintained when positioning vehicles. It must be easy for visitors to gain access to the vehicle itself. Too many vehicles in a too small area must be avoided. Each vehicle must be given enough space to make an impact on its audience.
The vehicle should exude presence across the space and radiate dominance. The space should feel as if it were created just for this vehicle. Once outside the designated protective range, supplementary exhibits may be added or a small catering area included.
To ensure spacious staging, avoid creating an impression that the vehicles are parked or on the sidelines. The space should also not be overloaded with other elements that make the vehicle appear to be an accessory. The vehicle's protective range should be maintained at all times. In the case of several vehicles, their protective ranges should not overlap.

Existing Locations

»Unambiguous, precise, reduced and thus unmistakably Audi –these are the principles we use when selecting and designing the brand spaces in which we present our products.«

The choice of location always relates to the everyday life of our target group. From the city selected, to the surroundings and infrastructure, up to the architectural design language − all these parameters guide the decision-making process.


When selecting open spaces, care should be taken to ensure that they are spacious, uncluttered and unobstructed. They should radiate the quality and clarity associated with the brand. The tonality should match Audi's values and not be too colourful.


The immediately adjacent architecture should be clear and reduced in its design language. A calm, straight-lined design is preferred.



The choice of location is based on the event’s target group. For newcomers to the premium segment, a hip, urban and modern environment is chosen.


Black Tie

The upper-middle class and upper-class segments should be reached via a luxurious and exclusive environment. Here, the location and the spirit of the location are of utmost importance.
Exterior design and architecture come together to create a progressive overall image.


If possible, the local surroundings should be integrated into the event. The focus when selecting the right environment is on clear architecture that is representative of the Audi brand and serves as a deliberate backdrop for the event. Attention should be paid to ensuring sufficient ceiling height in the surrounding space and, if possible, column-free areas.


Sustainability is emphasised by the choice of surroundings. Sustainable materials and components dominate, highlighted by renewable energy elements.
The modern, smart character of the building should be apparent.


Mobile elements that are not in use should be removed from the venue. This creates a quiet environment and forms the basis for a clear showcasing area.


Fixed elements that disrupt the space should be concealed by large wall panels. Infrastructure that is necessary but should not be visible can be located behind the wall panels. The focus is on product and content.

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