The Audi Family

Audi business areas, subsidiaries and Audi Centres can use a wordmark for communication purposes. These wordmarks always consist of the element “Audi” and a specific supplement. This ensures that the association with the brand and the relevant function are instantly recognizable at all times. Competing logos and brand names for subsidiaries and products are not permitted in the Audi visual appearance. Wordmarks always have to be approved by the Brand Strategy department.



All wordmarks are treated like the Audi brand claim. The brand name “Audi” appears in Extended Bold, type colour: red; the supplement appears in Extended Normal, type colour: black or white. Only mixed case may be used. Wordmarks running over more than one line are arranged in ragged type, and “Audi” appears on its own in the first line. It is also possible to have the wordmark appear consistently in black or white.

Alignment and Spacing

Wordmarks only ever appear in combination with the rings. They are placed horizontally or vertically to the rings. Supplements running over more than one line are to be aligned flush left and should not exceed the height of the rings. They can also be aligned with the body copy at a spacing of one line (type size as for body copy). The line spacing of multiple-line supplements is no more than 125%. The spacing from the rings is flexible but at least one ring diameter (horizontally) or half a ring diameter (vertically). Alignment is based on the inner ring edge as always. 


Rings with Audi
The Audi logo is a proprietary trademark of AUDI AG. The logo may be taken on or used only by persons or companies who have been granted the right to do so by contractual agreement.
4.0 MB
Audi Service logo
The Audi Service logo is available to Audi Service partners who advertise several brands. It is always used in multi-brand communication activities. Its design and colour may not be modified.
3.2 MB
Audi Approved :plus
Further information and guidelines for used car communication can be found on our Dealer Facility in the Used cars section.
10.7 MB
Audi Club International
96.8 MB
Branding on textiles
1.2 MB
Corporate fashion
2.9 MB
Audi driving experience
20.4 MB
Audi on demand
64.6 MB


Use the correct text styles: Audi in Extended Bold, addition in Extended Normal.
No additional design elements.
The word mark is never larger than the inner height of the Rings.
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