Slideshows are used to make several content items available of the same format in one position. Slideshows are mainly used for media galleries and should not contain any important information that would only be accessible to the user through active interaction.


A slideshow presents any number of items. Each item consists of a background visual or video and can be optionally expanded to include elements such as text and buttons. If elements are placed against the background, the latter can be darkened with up to 30% black. The content items of the slideshow are presented in linear fashion. Pagination in the lower area provides orientation.

The user can control the slideshow by means of swipe gestures, arrows or mini-pagination. The white arrows only appear on mouseover. For improved visibility, a dark gradient can be added on top of the background. Arrow control is not used on touch devices – mini-pagination indicates the other slides available.

When changing from one slide to the next, the new slide moves into the slideshow canvas with a push movement from the right. If the slide contains text or other elements, these do not appear until the slide is fully visible.

<div class="abp-gallery abp-js-gallery abp-gallery--slider abp-gallery--autoplay is-animated">
	<div class="abp-gallery__container">
		<div class="abp-gallery__wrapper">
			<div class="abp-gallery__item">
				<a class="abp-gallery__action" href="*&imwidth=1000">
					<div class="abp-gallery__image-wrapper">
						<div class="abp-gallery__image-container">
							<img class="abp-gallery__image" src="*&imwidth=1000" />
						<div class="abp-gallery__caption">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</div>
			<div class="abp-gallery__item">
				<a class="abp-gallery__action" href="*&imwidth=1000">
					<div class="abp-gallery__image-wrapper">
						<div class="abp-gallery__image-container">
							<img class="abp-gallery__image" src="*&imwidth=1000" />
						<div class="abp-gallery__caption"></div>
			<div class="abp-gallery__item">
				<a class="abp-gallery__action" href="*&imwidth=1000">
					<div class="abp-gallery__image-wrapper">
						<div class="abp-gallery__image-container">
							<img class="abp-gallery__image" src="*&imwidth=1000" />
						<div class="abp-gallery__caption">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</div>
			<div class="abp-gallery__item">
				<a class="abp-gallery__action" href="*&imwidth=1000">
					<div class="abp-gallery__image-wrapper">
						<div class="abp-gallery__image-container">
							<img class="abp-gallery__image" src="*&imwidth=1000" />
						<div class="abp-gallery__caption">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</div>
<style media="screen">
	body {
		background-color: #f2f2f2;
		padding: 50px 30%;

If a slideshow contains only cut-out images, the arrow and pagination can be dark or light, depending on the background colour. In this case there is no need for a a subtle gradient background behind the arrow or a shadow behind the pagination.

Subtle gradient behind arrow, subtle arrow behind pagination for better visibility on full-coverage images.
Light components without background gradient and without shadow on cut-out images against a dark background.
Dark components without background gradient and without shadow on cut-out images against a light background.
If there is a larger number of elements, the pager with pagination is used instead of the step indicator.
In the case of a very small display size, the pagination can also be positioned under the image.

Audi UI Kit – Integration into Sketch library

(supported until 30.06.2023)

To ensure designers are using the most up-to-date components and icons in their products, the Audi UI Kit was created as a sketch library. Integrate these UI Kits to get the latest Audi Sketch Libraries. Updates will be made regularly and users will be informed when new versions of the Librarys are available.


The current Audi Sketch UI kit will only be supported until June 30, 2023. In order to enable the development of digital products in the future, we provide and update UI libraries for Figma.

Audi UI Kit for Figma

To enable as many designers as possible to work with the Audi user interface components the UI Kit and icons is also offered for Figma. Updates are made regularly and all changes are documented for users in the changelog.

We strongly recommend to join the Audi Figma Workspace for being always up-to-date and to collaborate with others.The Audi Design Kits are already included into the Figma teams in the Audi Workspace. To get access to a team or project please reach out to us here.

In case you are not working directly in the Audi Figma workspace you find the latest version as download below.

Audi Figma UI-Kit and Icons
Figma Files for UI-Komponents, Icon Library and a Readme-file to get started and how to proceed with updating the files.
17.3 MB



Slideshows are intended for visual content. They should not be used for text.
Slideshows should not contain complex diagrams.
Don’t place the pagination for a slideshow against a red background.